Thursday, November 17, 2011

But I thought I was a Leo.....

I have a friend who is a few years younger than myself but refuses to date women his own age.  He says that they usually have too much baggage.  He wants the wonder and excitement that the 20 somethings feel when a relationship is new.  Nevermind the fact that said 20 something is more apt to dump him for something better & the older woman is more apt to appreciate what she has.  He has yet to find his Ms. Right.  Now I could spend this whole page lambasting him for it - but that isn't my intention.

Since the beginning of time it has been perfectly accepted that an older man can date a younger woman with no desparing commentary (i.e. Hugh Hefner).  Now reverse that and the world goes into a tither (i.e. Demi & Ashton).  I guess the term for this is cougar.  This evokes images of the beehived wrinkley blonde in a leopard print top, skin tight pants & the pinkest lipstick you ever did see.  So imagine my suprise when I was coined one.  Really? I don't own leopard print anything. I much prefer the term MILF. I mean I am a mom & well who wouldn't LF me? Actually dating me though is a whole other blog post.  I'll write about it if it ever happens.

With the exception of my son's father  - I have never dated anyone older than myself.  This is because I have typically looked younger than I am & tend to attract guys that are closer in age to how I look than how old I am.  Even so - I am only talking 2 or 3 years difference.  Upon turning 41 though - 30 year olds have been crawling out of the woodwork. This means - I was 9 when they were born & could have been their babysitter at some point.  In terms like that  - it seems kind of creepy.

Now as previously stated - it can be an ego boost. Who wouldn't be flattered when a young, hot guy thinks you are hella desireable?  The problem is - there is no commonality.  I have tried talking to some of these guys & there is nothing there.  No common interests, unable to understand my sardarnic sense of humor, looooong drawn out pauses while grasping for ANYTHING to say.  Sheesh - I can have the kind of conversation with my room-mate's cat & at least I will get  purr. Sure there may be sizzle in bed, but when it is done - all you are left with is fizzle.

The best example I can give is this. In college my best friend dated a younger guy.  A song came on the radio & she exclaimed "I love this song - I had it on 45". His response "What's a 45?" I think that may have been the deal breaker. Maybe these guys are trying to bag the elusive cougar to mark it off their hunting list?  I don't know.  All I know is this kitty is nobody's trophy.

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