Wednesday, November 28, 2012

A Taxing Decision

I am not political.  I know that politicians will say what they think you want to hear to get elected and do what they want when they get elected.  I know that when a Democrat is in the office my conservative friends bemoan it for four to eight years.  When we have a  Republican in the office although the conservatives like to post a lot of pictures of Ronald Reagan.  With all that being said - I do find myself leaning more towards the conservative side as I grow older.  Obamacare raised my current insurance plan 300% next year and my options to replace it weren't great.  I do get free birth control and penicillin which may serve me well if I ever have sex again, but that is the only positive I see from it.  With all that being said, Prop 32 in California just threw a serious wrench in my life and I'm none too happy about it.  

For those of you not in CA and not familiar with it - it was a law passed basically requiring big businesses to pay higher taxes and all the money is supposed to go to the schools. I am all for improving the school systems out here.  I have watched my college tuition take serious rate hikes with numerous classes being cut while the president of the school gave himself a hefty raise "so the school could stay competitive".  My son goes to public school and we are fortunate enough to be in a decent district.  Overall though - if big businesses have to pay more to fund our under performing schools - they are going to leave the state - plain and simple. California is damn near bankrupt and the last thing they need is a mass exodus of businesses who don't feel they should have to pay more because they are profitable.  Add a multi-billion dollar light rail system the state is planning on building which costs more than the deficit our budget is in and you have one ex husband who has started packing and has proclaimed he is leaving the state.

Now to be fair, I knew this was coming for awhile and he has even said I can follow and stay with them as he planning on buying a house when he does move. The question is - do I REALLY want to move?  In 1998 I gave away all my club clothes and packed everything I could into two suitcases and a carry-on and totally uprooted my life to live with what is now my ex husband.  I gave up a good job, friends, family, a car and basically my whole life.  I was 27 at the time and had a lot more doors open to me upon my move.  After 11 years of less than domestic bliss - I had the carpet pulled out from under my twice - once landing me in a homeless transitional shelter for women for two months.and once landing me in a gross house with 2 guys and  suddenly having to deal with the fact I was single.  I have been on my own for the past year and a half even though 95% of my time is spent on my ex's couch to spend time with Gman;. I have the ability to go home when things get bad though and that is a beautiful thing,  I am now I am faced all over again with decision of going to a place I have never been, in a job market that sucks and still without the luxury of car,  BUT I would be near and with my son.  Or, I can stay in California which I hate and have the security of a good job, a few close friends, a community college where the state pays for me to go and a bed that isn't attached to a room in a house own by an overlord, BUT I would be miles away from my son. The choice seems like it should be obvious - follow my son, but I am just not sure that I could survive living with my ex again especially not knowing how long it will take me to find a job.  

This could be a very needed change though. No matter how blonde my hair gets - I will never be a Southern California girl.  I will never look like one, act like one or think like one.  The man market HAS to be better than Southern California.  The single midlife men here think they are still in college and want their women to be barbie dolls with passports.  In Yuma - I had at least two guys hitting on me at the bar. In CA, the straight guys buy my gay male friend drinks as I sip my cocktail I bought myself. The culture will be different no matter where we go. The ideas are Oregon, Colorado and Massachusetts - I'm pulling for MA if only for that Boston accent - "Let's go to the cah and head to the bah" - but I HATE the Patriots with a passion that is not fit for writing - so maybe not..I will have new adventures to blog about. I may be able to afford my own place where I can have Gman and start living like a divorced couple instead of living out a backpack as I go between places to drop off and pick up clothes. I guess I may have just talked myself into moving AGAIN (which I truly hate almost as much as the Patriots)..

As much as I hate change - I shall embrace what comes my way.  I need to grow and find Kathy or I am never going to be happy with myself.  Maybe the new Kathy is out of state because I certainly can't find her here.  Look out 2014 - I'm going to be coming at you swinging even if it means being bundled in boots and a heavy coat!
Did you suddenly just picture this?  I did

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