Thursday, November 15, 2012

Blog Birthday Musings & He's Just Not That Into Me.

Dear Little Blog,

Yesterday you turned one year old. You started as a vision to chronicle my social life. Little did I know when I started you with a few posts about bad dates, you would blossom into what is coined as life blogging. You became a personal platform for my dating or lack thereof, my foray into short stories, my personal confessions and personal opinions.

A few highlights of the past year:
  • I have reconnected with an ex, disconnected, got a confession of love from him and had him just phase me completely out after he did. (stupid Fred. I'm really, REALLY done with him this time)
  • I've submitted a erotic short story and had it rejected.
  • I've broken 2 toes.
  • I've been granted my divorce.
  • I've grown in my writing and I look forward to when the muse rears her pretty little head.
  • I submitted a blog post to an online blogging magazine and was told by the editor that she loved my snark and was going to publish me. It finally granted me the validation I sought outside my the scope of those who read me on Facebook because they are my friends.
You've allowed me to express myself through all of that.

Your birthday also marked what I thought was going to be THE DATE. He was a guy who I had talked to previously but let slide because of the distance he lived from me. He just happened to contact me on the day I told Cute Dumb Boy not to bother trying to meet me and the day I found out my divorce was final. I saw that as a sign. We talked on the phone, texted and my complications of my life didn't scare him off. We decided to meet last night for hot chocolate because I don't like coffee. Again saw it as a sign due to the date coinciding with the blog birthday. On a side note - after seeing a show with a women who did life casting and blogging - I found the site that wants to publish me. I saw that as a sign too. I had all these signs pointing to things that were just meant to be. I fell for it despite my former post saying I refuse to buy in to that philosophy anymore. I really felt like this was the date that would lead to my first official SECOND date.

He was brilliant, smart, cute and funny. I tried to be relaxed because I liked him, but think in the end he thought my wall was too high and too hard to scale. I think that I was too Kathy. I wasn't terribly nervous, but I was shy. He said I was mousy (hello - my hair was FAB and I was rocking skinny jeans. Quiet yes. Mousy - HELL NO.) I didn't have all the answers to all the questions lobbed at me. I didn't have questions for him. Afterwards, I texted him a thank you text telling him how much I enjoyed myself and his company He texted back "no problem". Ouch. I'm thinking I should delete his number so I'm not tempted to text him again. I've mean read He's Just Not That Into You and I get the impression he isn't. Damn, perceived rejection sucks. I must soldier on though.

So dear blog, we shall venture into our second year - keyboard ablaze. I will continue to solicit my posts to outside ventures so that others can experience my wit. I'll continue to throw myself out there in an attempt to make that oh so elusive connection. And little blog, you will be there every step of the way; fostering my passion and helping me amuse the masses.

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