Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Let's Hear it For The Good Guys We Never Consider

Gwen Stefani said it best in Bathwater: Why do the good girls always want the bad boys? 

It is the age old question.  By a certain age - shouldn't we have gotten our hearts broken enough by the wrong type to know better?  Why do we fool ourselves into thinking we want/need/crave the stable and reliable man, but look the other way when he notices us?  We pine over the guy who doesn't call us.  Wonder why we weren't asked out for that second date.  We sleep with him too soon in hopes that the sex is enough to lure him back for more.  It isn't.  Then we sit in a funk and wonder where it is all going wrong as we soothe our wounded soul with chocolate fro yo with sprinkles.

In the meantime; we don't give a chance to Mr. Reliable.  There is always some flaw that repels us. He's too fat or too thin.  He isn't cute enough.  He isn't smart enough. He doesn't wear the right brands.  Damnit I am fabulous and gorgeous and I can do better!  In the end though - can you?  If you could - why haven't you?

Thus the perplexing conundrum I find myself in.  Coast Guard Guy is out of the picture.  I don't have time for hot guys who are only interested in the chase.  My Hot Housemate while seeming to be back on track from his trainwreck lifestyle isn't what I want.  Then there is Boot Camp Guy.  BCG isn't the guy you normally look twice at.  He is a year older than me.  His hair is thinning with a bald spot, he doesn't wear the name brand shoes and wears black socks when he works out. He's a nice guy though and probably in the best shape out of all of us in the group. I happened to find him on one the horrible dating site that I can't seem to quit because I'm an attention whore and sent him a teasing message.  This was of course after I texted my trainer about finding him there.  She  was all over it telling me I should go out with him because he's a REALLY NICE GUY.  There are those words again.  What I want, but won't give a chance to.

So we have been sending messages back and forth for about four days and it turns out we have a lot in common.  He is smart, has good grammar, plays PC video games and is an avid mountain bike rider.  I am all of the above except the mountain bike rider because while I have one - I am a sissy girl who doesn't ever go off the street unless I am cutting through grass.  He's quite interesting. We are basically two introverted geeks. I just have better hair.

 Then my blonde angel got involved in the conversation and she too decided that I should go out with him because he was smart and looked outdoorsy.  (She got this from stalking his facebook profile).  I sent him a message telling him our trainer was pulling for us to go out and he said he was totally oblivious to that fact.  Then he asked me out.  The part of me who was trying to be open minded and not a diva was thrilled.  The diva part of me questioned why would I even consider it - not so much. Nice guys bore me. I'm a drama mama - I don't know how to deal with status quo.

While we were doing out boot camp yesterday - I could barely acknowledge him because I didn't know how to act.  Nobody ever said social skills were my strong suit.  So when I got home, I messaged him back accepting his offer. I mean he has seen me balling my eyes out because I couldn't do side planks and felt extremely defeated.  He has seen me a hot, sweaty mess and making strained faces because the workout was insane.  That is technically seeing me at my worst only short of having the flu. Even if all it became was a friendship - he is a really good guy.  Who knows - it might be the kind of relationship where it grows on you and you don't realize how much it means until you are knee deep into it.

Who knows - stranger things have happened!


  1. Why do "good girls" fall for bad guys? Its crazy! At the "mature" age of 54, I just escaped a relationship with a guy with no job, a criminal past, a vague, suspicious explanation of his income source,a filthy mouth, a frightening temper, little motivation, a cluttered, sinister dark house with beat up sofas for patio furniture, and a mean spirit. But he was good in bed. So I kept coming back, became obsessed even.

    I'm a fairly attractive, highly educated professional woman. I'm frequently told I'm sweet. But yet, with this man, I went to a dark place. I allowed myself to be bullied. I was in constant emotional pain. Still, I'm suffering over the pain of separation. Still, the obsession is vibrating through my heart.

    I figure that even though I'm oldish" on the outside, I've got the emotional and spiritual maturity of my 23 year old former self. What I need is some self-esteem, and fast! I'm currently performing emergency spiritual surgery on my soul and urgent self nourishing on my heart. There's no time to waste! I can't do this again. Honestly, my life depends on it!

  2. Pixidust - we must be soul sisters! I can totally relate to everything you said. Funny how good sex clouds our head and heart! I'm finding the gym to be good spiritual relief for body and soul. Plus I may have met the only non-lunk head brilliant guy my gym has to offer and in Southern California - that is a rare thing! Hang in there! It has to get better ... right?
