Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Valentines Schmalentines

Guys - only 9 more shopping days left.  9 days left to make sure you have the reservation to that over priced restaurant that is overcrowded with a bunch of schmucks.  Only 9 more days to get those flowers ordered, that candy purchased and to make sure everything is just perfect so maybe, just maybe your night ends up naked and sweaty. Ugh - seriously - who needs that kind of pressure? Not me.

February 14th has never been a favorite date of mine.   I was never the girl who got flowers at school and had to watch the Heidi Maugers of the world walk around with armfuls. Flash back to third grade. I gave Rick Leiter my favorite valentine because I had a crazy crush on him.  He laughed at me and threatened to tear it up.  Crush turned into Crushed.  I can recall 3 positive Valentines days.  I was 20 and my boyfriend had class really late, but showed up before midnight with an Elmira toy which was my favorite Tiny Toons character.  When I was 1st dating the ex, he showed up and knocked on the front door.  When I answered it - he had a pair of earrings and asked if I would wear them to dinner.  We ended up at TGIFridays, but it was still a night out.  Then there was the following year where the ex really didn't do anything but drive all over town trying to find somewhere to eat.  We ended up at a crappy restaurant with fake roses on the table - but it was the effort that counted.  The rest of them have just generally sucked.

This year I thought I was so close to having that elusive date, but it wasn't meant to be.  Next time I will just listen to my gut when it tells me not to bother.  It will save me many wasted months on trying to meet a guy that wasn't going to amount to anything anyways. So what if he romanced with promises of winning my heart, climbing my walls and being strong for me so I can be weak.  Dude cancelled on me 3 times. This also means that I have to follow through on a promised dating moratorium because well - this online dating thing just isn't working. I don't need a man to be happy.  I don't need a man to buy me flowers, or candy or jewelry (but I would gladly accept a car just in case there are any potential suitors reading this). I won't lie and say I wouldn't enjoy the lavishing, but I don't NEED it.  I can't exactly toll the joys of purchasing the domain BeingSingleistheNewBlack.com if I am bemoaning the fact I can't get a date.  Sure - a man would come in handy for some sexy time, but the only thing stopping that is my brain.  I mean hello - I have a very hot 27 year old after me and an UH-Mazingly hot French guy coming into town (but I fully admit I am terrified of his uncircumcised penis).  We all know that I will do nothing about Frenchy and I still can't bring myself to do someone in their 20's unless I am drunk.

But I have bigger fish to fry because I have one guy in my life who is more worthy than any other.  He gives the best hugs, the sweetest kisses, can always makes me laugh and well - if I could find a 40 year old with the qualities of my 6 year old - I would have to change the blog name.  I mean seriously - my kiddo kissed all the pearls on a necklace he got me for Christmas so when I am having a bad day, I can reach for a pearl and have a kiss from him when I need it most.  This is NOT his father's child!  He is going to need my full attention though because at the tender age of 6.75 and being a first grader - he landed the role of Aladdin in the school musical.  This means we have to memorize songs and scripts and practice acting for the next 3 months.  How could I even imagine trying to find a date when this could be my child's big break he is dreaming of.  This is so big a deal, that his dad has postponed to move out of state so he can do the play. 

So while yes - it would be nice to have date on the 14th, I won't be alone.  I will be next to a gorgeous blonde haired guy watching season two of Total Drama Island on Netflix, sharing a bowl of ice cream with him knowing that I am luckiest woman alive.  I may not be Jasmine - but this Prince Ali is all mine!

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