Tuesday, December 3, 2013

My Post of Thanks and the Chopped Reveal!

Finally.  I finally have everybody moved out of their respective places.  Now the unpacking begins.  You never really realize just how much stuff you have until you no longer have the places to hide stuff. With all the craziness of the move; I never got to write my day of thanks post that I do annually.  So less than a week late - here goes!

I am thankful that I am still alive.  Given that I halfheartedly tried to end it all earlier this year; I am thankful it failed.  I can reflect back and see just how much I have grown and despite the deep holes I fall into; there is always light above to lead me back.

I am thankful as always for my child.  Even though seven is the most exasperating age I have ever come up against, he is everything.  He has outgrown bedtime stories, lullabies & being tucked in (it's now called a blanket over).  He is opinionated, speaks far too maturely for his age and is a bundle of energy from the time he wakes up, to the time he proclaims it is bed time.  He is awesome and every struggle I have is eased by his hugs.

I am thankful for the separation from the ex.  It has allowed me to grow and become more confident in myself.  I am probably more dependent on him than I should be, but I am less dependent on him than I used to be.

I am thankful for Dr. B at Dover Shores Pet Clinic.  He is the most awesome and understanding vet in the world.  When I had to put my Simon down, he didn't make me feel guilty for it.  I wish he would have been there yesterday when I had to put my G kitty down.  The vet I had to go to made me feel horrible about it.  This another post for another time though.

I am thankful for the ex.  He has taken amazing care of my son during the separation and divorce. We seem to have reached a symbiosis of sorts. Sometimes we just work better together than apart  Time will tell if moving back in with him so that we could have such an amazing apartment was a good idea, but so far so good.  My son is the happiest though because now he has me all the time.

I am thankful for my friends both near and far. They remind me I am never alone.

I am thankful that I haven't found "love" yet.  As I stalk Bootcamp Guy's Facebook page, I realize that I am not ready for that kind of a grown up relationship.  Not sure if I could have easily picked a guy or my child as to whom I would spend the holidays with.  He's happy with his toe ring tramp and I am happy being mom again full time.

Now despite the above paragraph, I am thankful that I may actually have a date to my work Christmas party.  I am not holding my breath though.  Coast Guard Guy isn't exactly reliable despite his virtual pinky promise that he wouldn't flake again.

I am of course thankful for all my readers.  Without you, there would be no blog and I would just be writing to myself.  I supposed that is more sane than talking to myself, but I love being able to connect with people all around the world!

Lastly, I am thankful for the hair dresser who fixed my hair when I took the kitchen shears to my head.  I am a beauty school drop out, I KNOW better than to do these things, but I did it nonetheless.  The more I tried to fix it, the worse it got.

So here it is - the big reveal.  The hairdresser refused to do a pixie cut - so we compromised.  I look so adult now don't i? 

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