Tuesday, October 9, 2012

My Hero

I have a hero. 

It isn't an athlete or a movie star.  It isn't a political figure or anybody famous for that matter.  She doesn't wear a cape, but indeed many hats.  It is my best friend Susie.  She is so much more put together than I am  - and always has been. She has all the qualities you want in a best friend, a great mother & loving wife.  She is my hero and I truly hope that I see her facebooking about her 40 year anniversary just like her mama. With her being East Coast and me being West Coast, we don't even get to talk that often, but I know she is there for me.  We keep tabs on facebook and occasional texts.  Many people have passed through my life.  Some have gone and come back through.  Susie has always been a constant.

Sus-eye (yes in middle school we would draw they eye part out in our notes we'd pass back and forth) has been my best friend since 8th grade.  Since gym class where were were always the last to be picked - we have stuck together ever since.  If it weren't for her dragging me to the afterschool class to retake the semester of Government I failed - I would not have graduated.  (Yes she did literally drag me by my ear when I refused to ride in the same car as her boyfriend I hated at the time.)  She is truly the yin to my yang.  She is my polar opposite.  She was preppy, I was punk rock wannabe.  She had a canopy bed & I didn't,  Her views are conservative whereas I refuse to discuss politics. She went to college and I went to a college town and just partied. She married a great man (don't let your head swell too big Jerry - this is about your WIFE - not you) and I am still waiting for a judge to sign off on my divorce.  Her parents are still married and very supportive.  She has two kids one of whom was diagnosed with Autism,  This is where her strength outshines any comic book hero in my opinion. She will tell you that she doesn't do anything any other parent wouldn't do in her situation.

Her husband is paramedic who works out of state to provide for his family and so that Susie can stay home with the kids. (In his defense - it isn't as far as it sounds).  She spends a fair amount of time alone with the kids which in my opinion - can't always be easy with her son's diagnosis.  She has never complained to me though. She does it because she loves her son and it's what is right.  She has led support groups for other families with children with Autism.  She fights her son's school constantly to make sure they are keeping up with his IEP and other issues that impact not only her son, but all other special needs kids too. She is on point with her issues. On top of all that - she maintains the household, provides a loving environment for her kids and husband. Most of all though; she strives to maintain as normal of a childhood experience as she can for her both of her kids. She is a true champion to her cause.

I would like to think that if I were in her shoes, I would step up to the plate and swing, but I don't know that I could.  I try to be a good mom to Gman, but I am have made many screw ups that hopefully don't impact him too greatly.  I lack her strength and her courage.

Thank you Susie for being my best friend, a constant inspiration to me as a mother and my hero. 

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