Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Code Name Prince Harry

I admit it.  I have always had a fascination with England.  It probably started with the Brit Pop movement of the 1980's.  I, like most girls of that era was OBSESSED with Duran Duran (who remembers my Seven and the Ragged Tiger pillow with the leopard print backing my mom made me because we didn't have tiger print material?)  I had a poster of a shirtless Simon LeBon on my ceiling above my bed (along with numerous other DD posters) and posters of Wham and Paul Young covering my closet door and walls.  I wore two Swatches - one set to Ohio time and a royal coat of arms Swatch set to London time.  My Coke Rugby had the British flag on it & even had a London themed sweater from Merry Go Round that cost my mom more than a damn sweater should.  I probably would have copped an English accent too if we weren't all so caught up in Valley speak (like, gag me with a spoon fer sher).  I woke up at 3am to watch Princess Diana get married, and I can tell you where I was when I found out she died (although I couldn't tell you the guy's name I woke up next to).

So it should come as no surprise that I currently find myself enthralled with a guy I met online who lives in - you guessed it - Jolly Old England.  Now stop rolling your eyes at me (ok the reader in Russia probably isn't - but he/she doesn't really know me). I know what you are thinking.  Typical Kathy - falling for yet another guy that isn't going to pan out.  This one is different though.  Don't get me wrong. He fulfills many of those mental check boxes of what I could possibly want in the next guy I am serious about.  He is geeky cute (glasses and all!), a music nerd (his words - not mine), a fellow blogger, in a band, my age, college educated, can hold interesting conversations, has a job & well he even irons his own clothing! (If you have ever dated a man or woman who doesn't know how to use an iron - you can totally relate to how awesome that last part is - especially when you are trying to get ready for a function and you hear - I CAN'T WEAR THESE PANTS, THEY'RE WRINKLED).  Even Lisa had to agree after reading his blog - that he is an interesting dude.  (She was also relieved to find out he didn't seem at all to be the 1000 pound shut in her over active imagination led her to believe he was :P)

After about two weeks of conversations, I get the feeling that it would probably transition well into real life IF there wasn't the entire United States plus an ocean between us.  The difference is that for once I KNOW this isn't going anywhere.  I am sure that eventually the novelty will wear off on his end (turns out some British guys are just as fascinated with American females and our accents as we are theirs).  He will find someone who isn't on a 7 hour time difference, someone who it wouldn't cost $1080 + passport to visit (yes I looked it up - I was curious).  Someone who can relate to the stupid shyness he & I both share and they will get on rather well once they pass that hurdle.  I'm pretty sure he isn't tossing a few ales down at the pub with his mates talking up this gal he met online who lives in America.  They'd probably think him crazy!

So in the meantime, I'm just enjoying chatting with someone who teaches me new things.  For instance - I've learned Black Pudding is a very fine line between carnivore and vampire (thank you Lisa for that analogy). I've learned when you are knackered, you need a kip.  When it's cold - a jumper will do nicely. If you order a fry up - you'd better be damn hungry!  What does all this mean?  Well you are going to have to find your own Prince Harry to ask! Or you could probably google it too...but where is the fun in that?  I mean don't we all dream of a prince of our own some day - even if they aren't royalty?

PS If you are wondering why he got code named after that particular royal... When I mentioned to my ex that the only guy I found remotely interesting these days lived in England - he told me he was pretty sure I wasn't Price Harry's type no matter how drunk he was in Vegas.  It was so preposterously funny - I just ran with it!

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