Monday, August 4, 2014

I Don't Ask for Much, but Today I Ask for Your Help

Imagine hearing a knock on your door.  It's very early in the morning and a couple is standing there asking to you if they can use your phone.  Your husband, trying to be a good citizen let them in.  They pull a gun on him.  He tries to get the gun away because his family is in the house.  You try to help and you are stabbed in the back with a screwdriver.  The couple gets the gun back and then shoots and stabs your husband in front of you and your children. 

This sounds like a plot from a blockbuster movie or the great summer novel; but it isn't.  It was a news story that started small and slowly made it's way national.  If you haven't read about it - you can read it here in  People Magazine or here in USA Today or simply Google Las Vegas Home Invasion and you will get a plethora of articles about it.

Why you ask.  Why am I writing about this?  Why?  Because the widow Julie Ramos is a very good friend of mine.  Her sister in law is one of my best friends and you have read about our misadventures on this very blog.  Julie and I were pregnant at the same time.  Her youngest (who incidentally witnessed the entire encounter including watching his dad get shot) is just 3 months younger than GMan.  I've known Julie and Richie for almost 10 years.  I've watched them build their life from low times to having a great life in Las Vegas.  Richie was the head of household and supported the family so Julie could stay home and raise the kids. When he let the intruders in to use the phone, he was trying to set a good example for his kids.  To be the kind of person who helps those in need.  He wasn't judgmental even though most of us who have seen the pictures of the accused have said to themselves "What was he thinking?".  That's just the kind of man he was.

Because they had a single income - the money for funeral expenses is almost non-existent.  The family has set up a Go Fund Me account which can be accessed Here.  Or you can go into any Chase Bank with this account # 3026062744 and donate in person.  The funeral expense in and of itself are over $13,000. Anything left over will go towards helping provide for his children. I am asking all of my readers to help out if they can,  Any amount is appreciated because it all adds up.  My son who is the self proclaimed king of the Rainbow Loom has been begging me to buy him a Super Fun Loom.  When he found out what happened to Aunt Julie and Richie; he asked if he could donate the loom money instead of spending it on him.

If you can't donate; could you share this post?  

This is just such a random and unspeakable tragedy.  It could happen to any of us.  It could happen to me; it could happen to you.  Thank you in advance from the bottom of my heart.



  1. Truly a tragic story. Made all the worse by knowing he was being an altruistic human being. Makes me I'll.

  2. It's just sad. The whole thing is sickening when you consider it was just so random. We initially thought they were targeted because it was so bizarre, but they just happened to have a car in the driveway which is why the accused knocked on the door.
