Friday, May 17, 2013

I am a Warrior Princess!

NSo, most of you probably read my last post and said  "Psssh - whatevs - we KNOW you have no follow through!"  I mean it has been well document throughout this blog.

The funny thing about change is that is never going to happen until you are ready to let it happen.  Until you are actually in a frame of mind where this is's now or never.    When Eminem's Lose Yourself starts playing in the back of your head and you know - YOU KNOW that it is time.

And it was.

So I bravely put on my jog bra, yoga capris, dryfit tshirt and my grabbed my water and headed to the gym.  I got all signed in and realized I had NO idea what I was doing.  The girl at the desk told me to just go for it - the machine were pretty self explanatory.  So I dabble for about 30 minutes got bored and went home.  30 later I get a call from someone at the gym saying she had heard I was lost and when could I come in to meet with her?  I explained that I didn't have the money for personal training just yet and she said that wasn't what she asked.  So I set up an appointment to meet with her that Saturday.  I went back one more time for a half an hour thinking I was doing good. 

Then I met Rachel.  I was ready to turn around and run for home.  She is this tiny, pretty,  blonde,  flawless thing.  I mean it too - she is training for her first fitness competition.  She weighed me (UGH really 158.5?) and ran me through drills to see what my level was (I was on level YOU SUCK - my words not hers - she is too nice to say such things) and it was determined that 120 pounds would be my goal at a pound a half dropped a week.  I loved her by the end of our meeting.  I plopped down my money to set her as my personal trainer and began my journey.

My first session got rescheduled twice, so it wasn't until the following Saturday did I actually get to meet with her for real training.  She scared me by sending me into the weight room for strength training. It is a scary room filled with hot guys and there I was all sweaty and pudgy and far from cute.  An hour later, my upper half was sufficiently on it's way to sore and I was given homework.  400 calories burned of cardio and I was given a schedule to follow.  400 calories - pshh - easy peasy charley.

But boy was I wrong!

Sunday, My ex rudely (ok, he was rather pleasant about it) awakened me on the couch at 5:30 in the morning and told me that I should get up and get my workout over with.  Sure it was Mother's Day and I wanted to sleep in, but I decided to drag myself out of bed and get it over with,  I got there and jumped my sleepy butt on the treadmill.  Worked my way up to an incline of 8 and a 4.1 MPH pace.  40 minutes later, I was exhausted, sweaty and still hadn't reached it.  I decided to knock the rest off on the stationary bike.  Mistake.  My legs were like jello and it was really hard to pedal those last 50.  I did though.  I did. Then I did another 400 calories cardio burn Monday even though my gluts hurt like the dickens (who knew you had butt muscles?  Apparently everyone but me!).  Tuesday I got a small break from the cardio because it was back for more of Rachel killing my upper half with strength training. Wednesday was another 400 calorie burn,  By the time I hit yesterday - I thought my hamstrings were going to break.  Never had my legs hurt that much.  I actually had to break down and buy some Bengay to put on the muscles so I could sleep.  Thankfully it was a rest day.  I thought about going in for Zumba, but I was too sore.  Instead, I stayed in with Bradley Cooper (God I love Redbox).

Yeah yeah yeah you say.  So it's only been two weeks you say.  Well you are correct, but I am seeing results.  The first training session we weighed me and I had lost a 1.5 pounds. This is what I am supposed to be losing per week. I have visible definition in my calves and my thighs are becoming firmer.  My stomach has gone down enough that if I look down - I see my toes instead of my stomach.  The only downside is the girls are getting smaller too. I will miss them the most!

So I really think this is something I will keep up.  I am determined.  I am holding myself accountable on Facebook.  By December - we should see a whole new me and who knows - maybe I will finally have a date for New Years.  The possibilities are endless because I am a WARRIOR PRINCESS!

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