Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years Eve

My roots will be done and my hair will shimmer a fab honey blonde, but I will lament is isn't the butter blonde I dream of being.  It will be wavy, but not frizzy.  I will have defurred the pits, legs and Sheila, but will lament that the 70's bush look hasn't taken favor back and will inevitably burn myself with too much Nair.  I will smell of cocoa butter and my skin will have a soft sheen to it.  My toes and fingers will be painted a luminescent shade of pink grey ala 1988 where in the light it is pink and outside the light it is grey.  I will be look fab.  I will be fab.

Too bad I will be with the ex playing World of Warcraft until 12:01 when I log out and prompty pass out from spending the last day of 2011 with Gman.  Sadly there is no NYE date to either blast on here, or dance around my room holding my pillow when I got home (no I really wouldn't do the latter).

So here's to 2012.  May it be filled with joy, wonder, splendor, prosperity, lots of rest and in my case a few dates just to keep this blog fresh and exciting.

Happy New Years!

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